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PLEASE NOTE! When delivered, our products are neither cut nor laminated. The accessories, like perspex boxes, file caskets and so on, that are sometimes shown in the catalogue, were only taken to demonstrate a possible use of our items. They are not part of the item itself and not included
Kurzbeschreibung Language – Early Reading
Umfang The material consists of 11 A4 sides, on which the 26 letters of the alphabet and 26 matching pictures are printed
Alter Kindergarten, 1. Schulstufe
Herstellung Pages 2-11 need to be laminated (recommended laminate thickness: 90-125 micron). The 10 pieces need to be stuck on an A2 piece of paper/card to create the poster. The poster had to be broken up for printing and delivery reasons. Sides not to be laminated: Page 1. It contains a description and a pattern of the complete poster. Sides or cards to be bound into a booklet: none
Inhalt / Lehrplanbezug Familiarising the child to the (upper and lower case) letters of the alphabet in connection with the corresponding sound they transcribe
Einsatzmöglichkeiten As a decorative and informative poster for a nursery or classroom
Vorbereitungen The poster is a part of a range of material about the alphabet
Arbeitsweise With the poster hanging on the wall, the children can always look and check to see which letters corresponds to which sounds
Erfahrungen, Tipps, Hinweise ‘ABC Poster big’ is part of a range of material using the same picture theme: ‘ABC Game’, ‘ABC Booklet’, ‘ABC Cards’, ‘ABC Posters’
Artikelnummer 0431066
AutorIn Wolfgang Schmidt
Mitwirkende Translation: Paul Read

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