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Fractions Part 2, Multiplication & Division

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Mathematics – Geometry
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19,80 €
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PLEASE NOTE! When delivered, our products are neither cut nor laminated. The accessories, like perspex boxes, file caskets and so on, that are sometimes shown in the catalogue, were only taken to demonstrate a possible use of our items. They are not part of the item itself and not included.
Kurzbeschreibung Mathematics – Geometry
Umfang The material consists of 50 A5 index cards
Alter 4. Schulstufe, 5. Schulstufe, 6. Schulstufe
Herstellung All of the cards are meant to be laminated (recommended laminate thickness: 90-125 micron). First trim the edges of the laminated card, then cut exactly down the middle to obtain 2 A5 cards. Sides not to be laminated: none Sides or cards to be bound into a booklet: none
Inhalt / Lehrplanbezug The children can become familiar with working with fractions (‘Divided Circle’). The material is the next step up from ‘Fractions Part 1, Addition & Subtraction’. This material focuses on multiplication and division of fractions: Multiplication of fractions by whole numbers, of fractions by fractions, division of fractions by whole numbers, and of fractions by fractions. The 4 'chain exercises' at the end are meant to challenge the children, and give them a chance to practise what they have learnt
Einsatzmöglichkeiten The material can be given to children aged 10 and older as a free time activity. Experience with fraction circles and completion of the material ‘Fractions Part 1, Addition & Subtraction’ are is required. The material requires concentration and is therefore recommended for individual, or perhaps pair work only
Vorbereitungen To work with this material, the children require: a desk (a floor mat is less suitable), the Montessori fraction circles (possibly also the fraction circles stands), the fraction circles box (there are also templates for fraction circles), paper or an exercise book, a ruler, glue, scissors and stationery for writing. For division work, 4 ‘fraction skittles’ also are required
Arbeitsweise This material is very clear and easy to work with. The material leads the child through each exercise. The children can follow the instructions for working with the fractions, and later note down what they have done
Selbstkontrolle The children lay the fractions of the circle on the corresponding places shown on the cards. Should the children work with the metal circle fractions, control of error is clear. On each of the cards with equations is a little note, which states the number of the card with the solutions
Erfahrungen, Tipps, Hinweise Some children just love to work through cards, make drawings and create their own little booklets. But some do not. This material has a relatively clear structure, and this allows the children to work through it in stages, which can be spread out over a number of weeks. The many small sections in the material allow the children to take regular breaks, and then continue at a later time. As the fraction circle and the material are usually used by a number of children in turns, I recommend giving the children little stickers, with which they can mark the card they last worked on. This material was designed for any child aged 10-11 who is interested in mathematics and has already completed ‘Fractions Part 1’. From the age of 12 and upwards, this material has proven successful when given as a free time activity. Montessori material must be available to the children
Artikelnummer 0421021
AutorIn Wolfgang Schmidt
Mitwirkende Review: Beatrice Deveaux, Translation: Paul Read based on material by B. OCKEL, Munich



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