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PLEASE NOTE! When delivered, our products are neither cut nor laminated. The accessories, like perspex boxes, file caskets and so on, that are sometimes shown in the catalogue, were only taken to demonstrate a possible use of our items. They are not part of the item itself and not included
Kurzbeschreibung Cosmic – Biology
Umfang The material consists of: 35 picture cards and 35 text cards about the 5 classes of vertebrates. The cards contain the following information: general information, protection, reproduction, skeleton, movement, circulation, respiration. 41 cards divided between 7 general topics, e.g. 1. Look and Feel – 1.1 What does the animal look like? 1.2 How does the animal move? 1.3 …. 5 question cards each with 3 answers for working on a simpler level, e.g. What does the animal eat? It eats plants. It eats meat. It eats plants and meat. Examples of animals for each of the 5 classes of vertebrates
Alter 3. Schulstufe, 4. Schulstufe, 5. Schulstufe, 6. Schulstufe
Herstellung All of the cards are meant to be laminated (recommended laminate thickness: 90-125 micron). The individual cards need to be cut out. Sides not to be laminated: none Sides or cards to be bound into a booklet: none
Inhalt / Lehrplanbezug The 5 classes of vertebrates are introduced with texts and pictures
Einsatzmöglichkeiten Possible application in connection with topics or projects such as: biology, vertebrates, individual work on a particular animal Free work, individual work, pair work, small group work
Vorbereitungen To work with this material, the children require: a floor mat, a felt board, a desk, stationery for writing, animal books, encyclopaedias
Arbeitsweise The children learn how to classify the animals by working with the information cards. The children can use this information to match up the cards, and, in doing so, become more familiar with the life, movement, and characteristics of the each of the classes. The question cards allow the children to research specific information. Not all 7 topics need to be worked through for every animal. The children can pick just one topic and work through each of the questions
Artikelnummer 0441040
AutorIn Wolfgang Schmidt
Mitwirkende Review: Beatrice Deveaux, Translation: Paul Read

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