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Year Cycle Table with Drawings 75cm

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Year Cycle Table with Drawings
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Lieferzeit: 3-4 Tage

13,80 €
Inkl. 10% MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
PLEASE NOTE! When delivered, our products are neither cut nor laminated. The accessories, like perspex boxes, file caskets and so on, that are sometimes shown in the catalogue, were only taken to demonstrate a possible use of our items. They are not part of the item itself and not included
Kurzbeschreibung Year Cycle Table with Drawings
Umfang The material consists of a centre piece (the Sun), an inner ring (12 pieces that make up the 4 seasons), an outer ring (12 segments, each of which shows a picture which matches a month of the year), 12 cards displaying the names of the months, 2 A4 templates (colouring cards), and a photo of the complete cycle
Alter Kindergarten, 1. Schulstufe, 2. Schulstufe
Herstellung All of the cards are meant to be laminated (recommended laminate thickness: 90-125 micron). The individual cards need to be cut out. Sides not to be laminated: templates Sides or cards to be bound into a booklet: none
Inhalt / Lehrplanbezug The year cycle, names of the months and seasons, festivals and events
Einsatzmöglichkeiten Individual work, pair work or small group work, for projects about the year and on the topic of time (especially the change from one season to the next)
Vorbereitungen The year cycle is the base for the didactic concept of measuring time, and follows on directly from the topic of the Solar System. In the northern hemisphere, the complete cycle is laid out anticlockwise. (The Earth circles the Sun anticlockwise.) The middle piece can be replaced with a sun made out of material or wood
Arbeitsweise The children lay out the pieces on a floor mat or on a table and complete the cycle
Selbstkontrolle The pieces are colour-coded to help the children. They may also take a look at the photo of the complete cycle
Erfahrungen, Tipps, Hinweise The diameter of the complete cycle is approximately 75 cm, and it can therefore be used as substitute material for the ‘Year Cycle Floor’, which has a diameter of approximately 105 cm and is more suitable for group work. The table material is suited to individual, free time work, but can be given as a group activity if there is a lack of space. The material is designed for the children to work without requiring much guidance
Artikelnummer 0444011
AutorIn Wolfgang Schmidt
Mitwirkende Review: Beatrice Deveaux, Translation: Paul Read Drawings: Christina Zierold, Birgit Steinacher

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